Thu, 01 Jan 2015

CPAN Pull Request Challenge: A call to the CPAN authors

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The 2015 CPAN Pull Request Challenge is ramping up, and so far nearly two hundred volunteers have signed up, pledging to make one pull request for a CPAN distribution for each month of the year.

So here's a call to the all the CPAN authors: please be supportive, and if you don't like for your CPAN distributions to be part of the challenge, please send an email to neil at bowers dot com, stating your PAUSE ID and the fact that you want to be excluded.

How to be supportive? The first step is to act on pull requests. If you don't have time for a review, please say so; getting some response, even if it's "it'll be some time 'till I get around to reviewing this" is much better than none.

The volunteers have varied backgrounds; some are seasoned veterans, others are beginners who will make their first contribution to Open Source. So please be patient and encouraging.

If you have specific requirements for contributions, add a file called CONTRIBUTING or to your github repositories where you state those requirements.

And of course, be civil. But that goes without saying, right? :-)

(And to those CPAN authors who haven't done it yet: put your distributions on github, so that you're not left out of the fun!

Happy New Year everybody, and have a great deal of fun!

See also: Resources for the CPAN Pull Request Challenge.

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