Tue, 19 Apr 2016

Managing State in a Continuous Delivery Pipeline

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Continuous Delivery is all nice and fluffy for a stateless application. Installing a new application is a simple task, which just needs installing of the new binaries (or sources, in case of a language that's not compiled), stop the old instance, and start a new instance. Bonus points for reversing the order of the last two steps, to avoid downtimes.

But as soon as there is persistent state to consider, things become more complicated.

Here I will consider traditional, relational databases with schemas. You can avoid some of the problems by using a schemaless "noSQL" database, but you don't always have that luxury, and it doesn't solve all of the problems anyway.

Along with the schema changes you have to consider data migrations, but they aren't generally harder to manage than schema changes, so I'm not going to consider them in detail.

Synchronization Between Code and Database Versions

State management is hard because code is usually tied to a version of the database schema. There are several cases where this can cause problems:

  • Database changes are often slower than application updates. In version 1 of your application can only deal with version 1 of the schema, and version 2 of the application can only deal with version 2 of the schema, you have to stop the application in version 1, do the database upgrade, and start up the application only after the database migration has finished.
  • Stepbacks become painful. Typically either a database change or its rollback can lose data, so you cannot easily do an automated release and stepback over these boundaries.

To elaborate on the last point, consider the case where a column is added to a table in the database. In this case the rollback of the change (deleting the column again) loses data. On the other side, if the original change is to delete a column, that step usually cannot be reversed; you can recreate a column of the same type, but the data is lost. Even if you archive the deleted column data, new rows might have been added to the table, and there is no restore data for these new rows.

Do It In Multiple Steps

There is no tooling that can solve these problems for you. The only practical approach is to collaborate with the application developers, and break up the changes into multiple steps (where necessary).

Suppose your desired change is to drop a column that has a NOT NULL constraint. Simply dropping the column in one step comes with the problems outlined above. In a simple scenario, you might be able to do the following steps instead:

  • Deploy a database change that makes the column nullable (or give it a default value)
  • Wait until you're sure you don't want to roll back to a version where this column is NOT NULL
  • Deploy a new version of the application that doesn't use the column anymore
  • Wait until you're sure you don't want to roll back to a version of your application that uses this column
  • Deploy a database change that drops the column entirely.

In a more complicated scenario, you might first need to a deploy a version of your application that can deal with reading NULL values from this column, even if no code writes NULL values yet.

Adding a column to a table works in a similar way:

  • Deploy a database change that adds the new column with a default value (or NULLable)
  • Deploy a version of the application that writes to the new column
  • optionally run some migrations that fills the column for old rows
  • optionally deploy a database change that adds constraints (like NOT NULL) that weren't possible at the start

... with the appropriate waits between the steps.


If you deploy a single logical database change in several steps, you need to do maybe three or four separate deployments, instead of one big deployment that introduces both code and schema changes at once. That's only practical if the deployments are (at least mostly) automated, and if the organization offers enough continuity that you can actually actually finish the change process.

If the developers are constantly putting out fires, chances are they never get around to add that final, desired NOT NULL constraint, and some undiscovered bug will lead to missing information later down the road.


Unfortunately, I know of no tooling that supports the inter-related database and application release cycle that I outlined above.

But there are tools that manage schema changes in general. For example sqitch is a rather general framework for managing database changes and rollbacks.

On the lower level, there are tools like pgdiff that compare the old and new schema, and use that to generate DDL statements that bring you from one version to the next. Such automatically generated DDLs can form the basis of the upgrade scripts that sqitch then manages.

Some ORMs also come with frameworks that promise to manage schema migrations for you. Carefully evaluate whether they allow rollbacks without losing data.

No Silver Bullet

There is no single solution that manages all your data migrations automatically for your during your deployments. You have to carefully engineer the application and database changes to decouple them a bit. This is typically more work on the application development side, but it buys you the ability to deploy and rollback without being blocked by database changes.

Tooling is available for some pieces, but typically not for the big picture. Somebody has to keep track of the application and schema versions, or automate that.

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