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Wed, 17 Apr 2013

The REPL trick

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A recent discussion on IRC prompted me to share a small but neat trick with you.

If there are things you want to do quite often in the Rakudo REPL (the interactive "Read-Evaluate-Print Loop"), it makes sense to create a shortcut for them. And creating shortcuts for often-used stuff is what programming languages excel at, so you do it right in Perl module:

use v6;
module REPLHelper;

sub p(Mu \x) is export {
    x.^ *.^name;

I have placed mine in $HOME/.perl6/repl.

And then you make sure it's loaded automatically:

$ alias p6repl="perl6 -I$HOME/.perl6/repl/ -MREPLHelper"
$ p6repl
> p Int
Int Cool Any Mu

Now you have a neat one-letter function which tells you the parents of an object or a type, in method resolution order. And a way to add more shortcuts when you need them.

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