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Sun, 25 Dec 2016

Perl 6 By Example: Testing the Say Function

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This blog post is part of my ongoing project to write a book about Perl 6.

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Testing say()

In the previous installment I changed some code so that it wouldn't produce output, and instead did the output in the MAIN sub, which conveniently went untested.

Changing code to make it easier to test is a legitimate practice. But if you do have to test code that produces output by calling say, there's a small trick you can use. say works on a file handle, and you can swap out the default file handle, which is connected to standard output. Instead, you can put a dummy file handle in its place that captures the lower-level commands issued to it, and record this for testing.

There's a ready-made module for that, IO::String, but for the sake of learning we'll look at how it works:

use v6;

# function to be tested
sub doublespeak($x) {
    say $x ~ $x;

use Test;
plan 1;

my class OutputCapture {
    has @!lines;
    method print(\s) {
    method captured() {

my $output = do {
    my $*OUT =;

is $output, "4242\n", 'doublespeak works';

The first part of the code is the function we want to test, sub doublespeak. It concatenates its argument with itself using the ~ string concatenation operator. The result is passed to say.

Under the hood, say does a bit of formatting, and then looks up the variable $*OUT. The * after the sigil marks it as a dynamic variable. The lookup for the dynamic variable goes through the call stack, and in each stack frame looks for a declaration of the variable, taking the first it finds. say then calls the method print on that object.

Normally, $*OUT contains an object of type IO::Handle, but the say function doesn't really care about that, as long as it can call a print method on that object. That's called duck typing: we don't really care about the type of the object, as long as it can quack like a duck. Or in this case, print like a duck.

Then comes the loading of the test module, followed by the declaration of how many tests to run:

use Test;
plan 1;

You can leave out the second line, and instead call done-testing after your tests. But if there's a chance that the test code itself might be buggy, and not run tests it's supposed to, it's good to have an up-front declaration of the number of expected tests, so that the Test module or the test harness can catch such errors.

The next part of the example is the declaration of type which we can use to emulate the IO::Handle:

my class OutputCapture {
    has @!lines;
    method print(\s) {
    method captured() {

class introduces a class, and the my prefix makes the name lexically scoped, just like in a my $var declaration.

has @!lines declares an attribute, that is, a variable that exists separately for each instance of class OutputCapture. The ! marks it as an attribute. We could leave it out, but having it right there means you always know where the name comes from when reading a larger class.

The attribute @!lines starts with an @, not a $ as other variables we have seen so far. The @ is the sigil for an array variable.

You might be seeing a trend now: the first letter of a variable or attribute name denotes its rough type (scalar, array, & for routines, and later we'll learn about % for hashes), and if the second letter is not a letter, it specifies its scope. We call this second letter a twigil. So far we've seen * for dynamic variables, and ! for attributes. Stay tuned for more.

Then penultimate block of our example is this:

my $output = do {
    my $*OUT =;

do { ... } just executes the code inside the curly braces and returns the value of the last statement. Like all code blocks in Perl 6, it also introduces a new lexical scope.

The new scope comes in handy in the next line, where my $*OUT declares a new dynamic variable $*OUT, which is however only valid in the scope of the block. It is initialized with, a new instance of the class declared earlier. new isn't magic, it's simply inherited from OutputCapture's superclass. We didn't declare one, but by default, classes get type Any as a superclass, which provides (among other things) the method new as a constructor.

The call to doublespeak calls say, which in turn calls $*OUT.print. And since $*OUT is an instance of OutputCapture in this dynamic scope, the string passed to say lands in OutputCapture's attribute @!lines, where $*OUT.captured can access it again.

The final line,

is $output, "4242\n", 'doublespeak works';

calls the is function from the Test module.

In good old testing tradition, this produces output in the TAP format:

ok 1 - doublespeak works


We've seen that say() uses a dynamically scoped variable, $*OUT, as its output file handle. For testing purposes, we can substitute that with an object of our making. Which made us stumble upon the first glimpses of how classes are written in Perl 6.

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